THC-O Gummy Bears – 600mg


Ingredients: Hemp extract, THC-O, flavored gummy bears.

With $49.99, you will have so much fun with this 600 g of THC-O gummy bear that you will want to eat the entire jar, but you should not do that because you will experience the side effects of overdosing. Enjoy using the THC –O gummies, but with caution because it is potent and has psychoactive properties. The main tip in cannabis use is to start low, start slow. Take one gummy bear and wait to feel if your body can cope with the reaction. Taking too many gummies at once will cause side effects such as headaches, dizziness and drowsiness. Like every other edible, the gummy will pass through the digestive tract and irritate the gastrointestinal tract. The user may suffer extra side effects such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. If, after reducing the number of gummy bears, the user still suffers side effects, medical attention will be necessary because the side effects may be caused by something else rather than overdosing. Some side effects may be caused by using low-quality products. Still, the user of this THC-O gummy bears need not worry about the quality because they are good-quality gummies. They come in well-labelled packages with essential details such as the size of the gummy and the company’s address.

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THC-O Gummy Bears – 600mg